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Creator 新建 HelloWorld 根据官网教程打包安卓APK,失败。首先我声明一下,我看到论坛很多人都遇到打包运行不了,百度 和 谷歌尝试了很多方案,都不行。环境 Cocos Creator v2.1.1 NDK: android-ndk-r10e SDK:android-sdk-windows附上native.log遇到此问题之后,我就开始用 Android Studio 3.4 打开项目目录 C:\New...
Game Studio Creator 2.2.3.apk Game Studio Creator is a game for tycoons in which you manage your own developer company. Combine your hobbies and turn your computer skills into earn -
31 Commits .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE src/main/java target LICENSE pom.xml Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license AndroidProjectCreator Convert an APK to an Android Studio Project using multiple open-source tools. Tools that are unavailable are mirrored using repositories on my ow...
构建面板不够选 Debug 选项时 Android Studio 将以 Release 配置运行 整理了引擎内置的 effect 文件结构(不影响已有项目)内置着色器· Cocos Creator 补充了常用材质参数的 Tooltip 优化漫游场景编辑器滚轮 / 触摸板的体验 优化扩展管理器的搜索功能,现在可以同时搜索“官方扩展”、“内置扩展”、“已安装扩展” 场景...
Cocos Creator 使用 Android Studio 打包 APK 遇到的坑3.,1. NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null从网上查了各种方法,尝试之后均无果,后来无意间看到有人说“这货压根不是个错误,有时候文件路径太长也会引发这个问题”,随便试了一下,居然解决了。。2. transformClassesAn
Only the latter ABI will be packaged into the apk. After the project is imported with Android Studio, it is an independent existence and does not depend on the Build. If you need to modify the ABI, you can directly modify the PROP_APP_ABI property in As shown below:...
, then build another ABI, only the latter ABI will be packaged into the APK. After the project is imported with Android Studio, it is an independent existence and does not depend on the Build panel. If you need to modify the ABI, you can directly modify the PROP_APP_ABI property in ...
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由于本人cocos2d代码中使用了原生的安卓、ios第三方,所以直接要使用android studio打包。 前提是你用creator构建编译打包proj.android为apk是没问题的!! 下面集成步骤 1.先用cocos creator构建、编译,不要勾选android studio选项!! 2.打开你的android studio,选择第四个选项Improt project导入你的build里面的