Lord Jesus, please give me opportunities to share the yeast of the Kingdom. Help me to see and respond to the needs of those around me, in practical ways, but also by offering to pray. May I be gentle but bold, and always motivated by love as I ask the question,“Can I pray for...
Jesus Christ is the Creator God. Not only does Scripture affirm it,28but during His earthly life and ministry He did the very things we would expect the Creator God to do. He did them in the way that we would expect the Creator God to do them—by His word of authority and the exerc...
outside of the experience of time. All other creations (land/sea, plants, animals, man[kind]) unfold within time as a process of the original creation that occurred (is occurring? will occur?) and is recorded in Abrahamic scripture. Edit to add: BTW, my personal belief is that the ...
On him alone is bestowed, by the bounty of the Creator of the universe, the power and the capacity of acquiring knowledge. Knowledge is the attribute of his nature which at once enables him to improve his condition upon earth, and to prepare him for the enjoyment of a happier existence ...
Treasury of Scripture Have you not known? have you not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, faints not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. thou hast known Jeremiah 4:22 For my people is foolish, they have not know...
We do not make images of the One because the human mind cannot conceive of anything that may describe the One. We do, however have symbols that speak to the energies that flow from the One. We learn in the Primary Scripture that from the One proceeds a single stream of pure spiritual ...
Scripture is clear that God’s creative activity, which brought everything into existence, and His sustaining power, without which none of us would continue to exist, are both major reasons to worship God. Yahweh: the transcendent God
Hence, God is only accidentally the creator of the universe. This fits nicely with the divine foundationalism and the definition of creator described above. However, Dolezal thinks that something is amiss here. He writes, If being Creator should be something temporal that God becomes, it would...