Walt Disney, thecreatorof Mickey Mouse 沃尔特·迪斯尼——米老鼠的创作者 牛津词典 This was the first object placed in the heavens by theCreator. 这是上帝安放在天堂里的第一件东西。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...Ian Fleming, thecreatorof James Bond... ...
读音:美[kri´eɪtə(r)]英[kri´eɪtər] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 Creator中文翻译 n.创造者,创作者 使用频率:星级词汇: CET4TEM4 词组短语 1.front-rankcreator一流的设计师 2.creatorof an empire帝国的创造者 3.creatorof a TV programme电视节目的创造者 ...
creator的基本意思是“创造者,创作者”,指能使某种新东西在实现之前便在头脑中形成并使之成为现实的人。是可数名词。 creator首字母大写时指“上帝”。其前须用定冠词the。 creator使用方法 creator详细辨析 英汉例句 用作名词 (n.) 用作表语 She is the creator of this show. ...
creator的基本意思是“創造者,創作者”,指能使某種新東西在實現之前便在頭腦中形成竝使之成爲現實的人。是可數名詞。 creator首字母大寫時指“上帝”。其前須用定冠詞the。 creator使用方法 creator详细辨析 英汉例句 用作名詞 (n.) 用作表語 She is the creator of this show. ...
creator 英[kriːˈeɪtə] 考点解读 托福 雅思 剑雅词频:2 creator 常考释义 n. 创造者;创建者 变形词 复数creators 雅思常考例句 The troubles is that thecreatorderives pleasure from coming up with the idea, and wrongly assumes the audience for the campaign will share that feeling. ...
4) re-creator 再创造者 5) maker[英]['meɪkə(r)] [美]['mekɚ] n.创造者,制造者 6) translator's creativity 译者创造性 例句>> 补充资料:人民群众是历史的创造者 历史唯物主义的基本原理之一。人民群众指推动历史发展的社会大多数成员的总和,在阶级社会中包括所有促进社会发展的阶级、阶层和社会...
释义 creatorcre•a•tor /kriː'eɪtəʳ/ n C 1. 创造者;创作者;(时装)设计师 2. C- [用作单] 造物主,上帝 随便看 positive positive discrimination positively positivism poss posse possess possessed possession possessive possessive possessor possibility possible possible possibly possum pos...
1) creator[英][kri'eɪtə(r)] [美][krɪ'etɚ] 创造主体 1. Customers are no longer the audiences in the delivering of customer value, but as one of thecreatorof it, which offers a big opportunity for enterprise to create Customer Value. ...
1) creator [英][kri'eɪtə(r)] [美][krɪ'etɚ] 创作者1. Trying taking the four essential factors of Abrams s literary activity as the theoretical framework,this paper links the theory about the artistic ambience with works written in an aesthetic style,creators,the world and ...