you can provide referees from other areas who can vouch that you are who you say you are and that your work and achievements are your own. It is particularly helpful if theserefereesare familiar with your writing and can provide
Some of our online creative writing courses are free! Learn story structure, mystery writing, poetry, description, suspense techniques, more...
Writing workshops & courses for fiction writers and poets of all levels offered in Amsterdam and online. Private coaching available for adults and teens.
A Short History of Creative Writing in British Universities Writing about the history of Creative Writing in British universities means at least indirectly considering the nature of the relationship between higher learning and the activities of a university; in that way better grounding the relat... ...
The practice-based Creative Writing PhD at Birmingham aims to support you in the development of a long-form piece of creative writing (for example, a novel or a script), or a sequence of related works (poems and short stories). You will be working in an environment that supports and enco...
Email College –offers free writing courses delivered to your in-box. The Arvon Foundation –highly respected residential short courses based in the UK. The Open University –offer short 10 week correspondence courses, mostly completed online. You will have the benefit of being able to communicate...
20 minutes spenteither writing, making sketches or notes,based on a short and simple prompt 10 minutes of reflectionand sharingfrom the activity you’ve done, to recognize what it has taught you about yourself and your writing, and get peer support via social media, or by submitting to us ...
One of the most powerful learning tools today is the internet. But you could surf through endless writing blogs before finally finding which are the best for you and worthy of your time. So I asked my team to research what’s out there, and we’ve compiled a short list to get you sta...
You will specialise in one of the following routes: novels (including Short Fiction), Poetry, Writing for Children & Young Adults, Scriptwriting (for stage, screen or radio) or Creative Non-Fiction. The MA is available to complete in one year full-time or two years part-time. The Novel,...
the women who clean the world, the women who look after the world… I’m really interested in exploring those kinds of stories, and from a Latin American perspective which I think is not so surfaced in the UK. I’d like to have more of a balance there, more writing and less working...