His versatile writing has touched various sectors, from financial services to healthcare philanthropy. His crowning achievement lies in venturing independently to establish his agency, a challenging feat in the current climate of ever-increasing competition. Despite the odds, he has thrived, spearhead...
“Whether communicated verbally or in writing,” says Owens, “sellers must disclose a treatment to a gemstone if that treatment either significantly affects the value of the gemstone (e.g., fractured-filled diamond) or is not permanent (e.g., certain dying of gemstones), or creates special...
Bill holds a BA in Communications from Marist College and prior to joining Kuno, he honed his editing, writing, and marketing skills at Dealer Tire, Belt Publishing, and PR Newswire. John Sharpe Sales Executive John is a marketing/sales professional with 7+ years of experience, from the ...
As a recent graduate, there is also opportunity for long-term employment. This program is no longer offered. View more programs from MCO Internships. Video and Photos View All Photos Program Highlights We get to know students on a one-to-one level and connect them with internships ...
Patti Miller and Marvin Gatch (a Drake graduate) reading to the children in the Community Center in Meridian, Ms. – Freedom Summer ’64 First of all, my hat, pants, and shirt all go off to Patti Miller and everyone else who made this trip possible – it couldn’t be anything but pu...