led a session on the importance of teaching digital literacy skills to amplify students’ understanding of the core curricula. He challenged the idea that courses on writing, communication and quantitative reasoning are antiquated and can’t nurture hig...
Those are our three shapes of writing. These are the shapes a piece can take on the page. Prose is any writing done in paragraphs. Poetry is any writing done using line breaks. Drama uses playwriting techniques.” Students smile again. Smart Student: “Wait, are poetry and drama true or...
He has imparted his knowledge of package design and branding at various art schools and colleges across Japan—including Tokyo, Sapporo, Sendai, and Kobe—and in China, within cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, as well as in Taichung during the Asia Students Package Design Competition events...
Portfolio of Steve Lambert, artist, artistic activist, creative activist, co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism, and Associate Professor at SUNY Purchase