And I made a foray into sub-zero temperatures in inadequate footgear to stand out by the circuit breaker box and flip switches until we had the power to the thing turned off. As it turns out, most of the other electrical outlets in the kitchen are on that same circuit. So no ...
Learn about the two types of thermal printing to determine which one suits your facility’s needs. … Tool Storage Ideas Lean manufacturing emphasizes organization, but it can be difficult figuring out just how to get started. This article lays out some common and effective ways of getting ...
If you decide to no longer be a Creative Cloud member then you won’t have access to your Creative Cloud applications anymore, but if you’ve got previous CS App versions, you’ll be able to open your files provided that you’ve saved them down to compatible formats with your older appl...
Say a prayer for God to show you a) ways to FLEE from your personal temptations, b) show you holy things on which you can FOCUS your thoughts, energy and time in pursuit, and c) to give you good Christian friends who are also seeking purity in their relationship with God. TOUCH POINT...
“Starlord”as he wants to be called, models Manic behavior in several ways. He is a rule breaker. He is a smartass. He starts out as a delinquent and falls into his role of Guardian by accident. He usually means well, but often falls victim to his bad habits and dysfunctional childho...
Trump feeds his followers a constant diet of promises of power: power to hate, power to destroy, power to rejoice in the sufferings of others. Their lust for the power to destroy is their addiction, and Trump is their fentanyl. IN MEMORIAM: WALT THE MAN ...