ADOBE Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium 指导价:¥13800 市场价:¥13800-¥13800 查看详细参数>> 图像软件新品推荐 中望CAD¥9000 浩辰CAD 2024¥9000 Coreldraw 11 简体中文版¥3200 ADOBE Premiere Pro(中文版)¥11100 ADOBE Audition(中文版)¥9800 ADOBE Dreamweaver 8.0(中文版)¥3730 图像软件品牌排行...
ADOBE Creative Suite 6 Design Standard¥10,000 ADOBE Photoshop Extended CS6¥9,634 简单描述Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard 软件可搭配使用 Adobe Photoshop中的全新 Mercury 图形引擎和 Adobe Illustrator® 中的 Mercury Performance System,让您以快如闪电的速度发挥创意。处理新的设计项目,例如使用 Ph...
adobe creative suite6 design standard报价 价格:9000.00元 最小采购量:1 主营产品:symantec,永中office,赛门铁克,IP-Guard,Adobe,SOLIDWORKS,加密安全,深信服,Microsoft微软,Autocad,卡巴斯基,PROE代理,金山WPS office,CATIA,CorelDRAW,诺顿,Creo 2.0,微软软件,趋势防病毒软件,microosft 供应商:东莞市神马信息技术有限...
Price Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection for Mac
Adobe Creative Suite 6.0 当当价 ¥10540
Adobe近日正式发布新一代面向设计、网络和视频领域的终极专业套装“Creative Suite 6”(CS6),包含四大套装和十四个独立程序。 Adobe全新的Creative Cloud是一种基于订阅的服务,有望成为制作、分享和发布创意的中心,核心是Adobe Creative Suite 6软件包,里面包含了全新的设计、网页、视频和数字成像工具。其支持按月付费的...
Discover Adobe Creative Cloud membership plans and monthly prices for our full suite of applications including Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and more.
Adobe Creative Cloud is Adobe’s suite of apps, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. While the cost of the plan will increase by 10% in 2024…
Enjoy the collection of professional creative software in Adobe Creative Cloud including Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro & more on desktop, mobile & web.