Creative创新NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra MP3播放器最新Firmware 1.20.08版For Win98SE/ME/2000/XP(2004年12月28日发布)新版固件更新如下:1.增加对Audible audio Type 4的支持。2.开启支持收听和管理Audible格式音频文件的功能。3.可以通过使用"Now Playing"中的"Goto Section"功能来自由选择播放Audible格式音频文件中的...
Creative创新MuVo Slim数码MP3音乐播放器最新Firmware 1.13.02版For Win98SE/ME/2000/XP(2006年3月13日发布)新版固件更新如下:1.改进了对FM广播的支持。2.修正了在开启和关闭播放器时会随机出现噪音的问题。3.修正了在重启播放器后,不能从上次的记录点继续播放音乐的问题(当正在播放音频文件时,转换到FM模式,然...
Creative创新MuVo V200 MP3播放器最新Firmware 1.01.03版For Win98SE/ME/2000/XP(2005年1月10日发布) 新版固件更新如下:在新特性方面:1.支持在Windows下将播放器格式化为FAT 32文件系统。2.增加支持播放Audible网站上带有Digital Rights Management(DRM)数字版权保护的音频文件(注意:如果要传输Audible网站上的音频文件...
This software contains the latest versions of the Mac OS X application, driver, and firmware for the E-MU 0202, 0404 USB, Tracker Pre audio interfaces. 显示细节 251. 用于Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor 的 VidCap(版本:1.00.0010) (9.89 MB) 3 Jan 08 立即下载 此下载包...
适应硬件:MP3,MP4驱动 驱动说明: Creative创新ZEN Mozaic MP3播放器最新Firmware 1.03.01版For WinXP/Vista(2008年10月11日发布)新版固件更新包括:1.改进对耳机的检测功能,可以更好的在音箱和耳机之间进行切换。2.当播放器充满电后会显示电量已满图标 【如何更新和安装 Creative 创新 ZEN Mozaic MP3播放器Firmware ...
335. Creative Digital MP3 Player MX100/200 firmware update version 1.4A (1.16 MB) 16 Aug 04 立即下载 This firmware update for Microsoft� Windows� XP, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), and Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) operating systems, improves your player's functionality...
创新(Creative)NOMAD JukeBOXMP3播放器MP3/MP4驱动是由创新官方开发并提供的驱动程序安装包,这是一种可以使您的创新(Creative)NOMAD JukeBOXMP3播放器MP3/MP4和计算机进行数据通信的特殊软件,可以理解为MP3/MP4和计算机沟通的桥梁,电脑系统只有通过这个程序,才能够控制创新(Creative)NOMAD JukeBOXMP3播放器MP3/MP4正常工...
logged into my Creative account and it pulled the profiles I created with my Outlier Gold. At first I had trouble setting the lighting (it kept reverting) but once I updated the firmware it works perfect. I have also tested this using Fedora 32. Audio works as good here as it does in...
logged into my Creative account and it pulled the profiles I created with my Outlier Gold. At first I had trouble setting the lighting (it kept reverting) but once I updated the firmware it works perfect. I have also tested this using Fedora 32. Audio works as good here as it does in...
At first I had trouble setting the lighting (it kept reverting) but once I updated the firmware it works perfect. I have also tested this using Fedora 32. Audio works as good here as it does in Windows but if I want to change my profile I either reboot into Windows or use an OTG ...