Ladies and Women's Ministry Printables These printables are designed to help you with your Women's Ministry. Some will be helpful for general ministry as well. The Ministry Resource Downloads have a download fee. They are immediate downloads...
Your donations help us to keep the ministry running. It helps us go to conventions, create training materials, partner with local churches, and create unique gaming experiences that help bring people together within churches and communities.
--Barbara Ladlow, Evansville,Indiana, USA "I teach an adult ladies Sunday School class and they love object lessons as much as teenagers do! I am always looking for creative ways to bring the lessons to life so the ladies will remember the truths I am teaching from God's word!" --Char...
“We’d better make sure we follow the book on this one partner. The news people are going to be all over this thing. The Wilkerson’s are old world money. Our jumper’s nephew Graham is going to be worth billions.” “The ladies are going to be fighting to get their claws into t...