We were shown a short film before entering the exhibit, where the artist explained his work. Apparently, he was crazy about reptiles growing up, and asked us viewers to try to find out which animals we were most drawn to. My ever-evolving list includes beetles and butterflies, octopus, bir...
Haraway offers her cyborg imagery as “a way out of the maze of dualisms in which we have explained our bodies and our tools to ourselves. This is a dream not of a common language, but of a powerful infidel heteroglossia” (2299). Heteroglossia is an apt synonym for any kind of hybrid...
ofGator Dadfame, appeared with a huge platter of “croc-a-mole†he’d made. Yes, guacamole with lemon peel eyes and lily pads cut from cabbage leaves. Teri
He explained me the beauty of math subject. So I had loved the math and this is my best subject. It also affect my choosing job later. We often sit and tell together about memories with him on anniversary day. Almost members of my family had at least fun story with him. In our ...