Google's CS first curriculum makes it easy to infuse computer science into any class. Like the Applied Digital Skills curriculum, CS First has everything you need to get started right away with your class. Lessons include tutorial videos for students, example projects, lesson plans and a gettin...
Add texture to a turtle shell Make this easy by copying blank turtles for everyone to color. Then, have kids add a variety of textures and patterns to their turtle. Tip: Look at pictures of real turtles for potential pattern ideas. Preschool Mom Chalk a fluttering butterfly Chalk art pastel...
This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum / Small Group Study has a sports theme and is great for athletes and works well as a tie in to what’s going on in the NBA and the current Linsanity.->Tell me about “Destined to Win” charadescovid-19partygamesquarantinevideoconferencing Game Ideas C...
The paper textbook is no longer the only source of learning. Curriculum developers must approach the digital world with professionalism and a deep understanding of the digital nature that dominates different life aspects. With the rapid technical development of the means, methods, techniques, and stra...