安装Adobe Creative Cloud Packager 后,以下组件也将可用。所有这些组件都在utilities或toolkit文件夹中。 Adobe Update Server Setup Tool Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) 是一个特定于平台的命令行工具,可帮助您配置您自己的内部 Adobe Update Server。一台服务器可同时承载针对 Mac 和 Windows 的更新 ...
Creative Cloud アプリを管理モードでインストールします。 1 一般エラー。 詳しくは、PDApp.log ファイルを確認してください。 62 インストールされている Adobe Setup Utility が破損しています。 pim SQLite データベース初期化エラー。 クライアントコンピューターの PDApp フォルダーの...
了解如何診斷、疑難排解以及解決在安裝或解除安裝已封裝 Creative Cloud 應用程式時發生的錯誤。還有,了解如何分析 PDApp.log 檔案中的錯誤訊息。
I work in IT, I've signed up for an account, I've searched for the creative cloud packager and I can't find or install it. Adobe, why are you making it so hard for admins to actually get this pretty horrific design of yours to work? What I need is simple, I want the creative...
Okay, I would recommend to build a package using the Creative Cloud Packager tool. You can have a package with just the CC Desktop App and it will give you much more functionality. You can get CCP from the Licensing Website or the Admin Console. You can also build a package di...
Packaging and Deployment Tools Build custom packages of the apps and services, providing full control over product version, licensing type, and update policy via Adobe Creative Cloud Packager, an intuitive packaging tool. Enterprise Support Access specialized support personnel 24x7, 365 days per year,...
Packaging and deployment tools Build custom packages of the apps and services, providing full control over product version, licensing type, and update policy via Creative Cloud Packager, an intuitive packaging tool. User Sync tool Automate user management and directory synchronization. Enterprise support...
報告和記錄 取得協助 使用解除安裝套件 解除安裝套件輸出 不支援的應用程式 執行解除安裝套件 錯誤和成功代碼 檔案關聯遭到破壞 Windows 登錄項目 移除授權 分享此頁面 連結已複製 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是,謝謝不盡然 主要產品 Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Express ...
ADOBE FIREFLY 終極創意 AI,現在支援影片 使用Adobe Firefly,在同一處製作令人驚嘆的影像、音訊,現在還支援影片創作。 運用Firefly 創作了解更多
The ZXP packager, a command-line utility For developing CEP 12.0 HTML/JavaScript extensions for Creative Cloud host applications Documentation Miscellaneous help License English French Releases5 CEP 11 ReleaseLatest May 31, 2021 + 4 releases