Research Question At first glance, current educational use cases of AI are likely to encroach on the agency of students and teachers, especially when it comes to the selection and assessment of educational resources or activities. To address these initial challenges, we will attempt to answer the...
, The Routledge International handbook of arts in education, Routledge, London, UK (2014), pp. 138-151 Google Scholar Campbell, 2009 P.S. Campbell learning to improvise music, improvising to learn music B. Nettl, G. Solis (Eds.), Musical improvisation: Art, education and society, ...
my day to day life hasn’t changed that much. I go to work five days a week, and work much longer hours than I did in Seattle. I’m in earlier, out later, and unlike working in a kitchen my work now often comes home with me. Papers to grade, lessons to prepare… About...