24 When Noah awoke from his drunken stupor[ru] he learned[rv] what his youngest son had done[rw] to him. 25 So he said, “Cursed[rx] be Canaan![ry]The lowest of slaves[rz]he will be to his brothers.” 26 He also said, “Worthy of praise is[sa] the Lord, the God of Shem...
1615223702834 znet: Java_zombie_core_raknet_RakVoice_RVInit 1615223702952 fmod: globalSystem = 0x121BCD8 1615223702952 fmod: FMOD_System_GetRecordDriverInfo: nativeRate = 16000, nativeChannels = 1 1615223703040 fmod: System create record sound: OK 1615223703071 fmod: Create resampler: OK 16152237030...