Creation-of-the-World 基督教 生物 来自康斯坦丁·尤恩 文艺复兴全盛期米开朗基罗·博那罗蒂 Sistine Chapel Ceiling: God Dividing Light from Darkness 作者: 米开朗基罗 Michelangelo Buonarroti 创作日期: 1512 作品风格: 文艺复兴全盛期 作品系列: Sistine Chapel Paintings ...
3,4CreationoftheSun,Moon,andPlants Nature,andNature’slawslayhidin light. Godsaid,letNewtonbe!Andallwas light. --AlexanderPope,18c frescofromtheceilingoftheSistineChapel—Michelangelo1510 Adam&Eve—fall,expulsion oGenesis2:7ThentheLORDGodformedmanofdustfromthe ...
It also is a sung psalm -- "For the director of music" -- and is attributed to David. The psalm has several parts. The Unspoken Word Expressed in the Heavens (19:1) The Heavens Express God's Word Wordlessly (19:2-4a) The Glory of the Sun (19:4b-6) The Perfection of God's...
On February 1, 2021, a rocket was launched from the Jiuquan Launch Base in China. This is the 6025th space launch in the world, the 389th launch in China, and the fifth launch of a Chinese private rocket. (Data from public network platform) This rocket is named after "Xu Bing Tianshu...