This gem allows your Rails (3.2+) or Ruby (1.9.2+) app to quickly integrate with Culqi Payment processor. It handles Culqi's flavor of encryption, decryption and Culqi ticket creation. - augustosamame/culqiruby
与haseo的gfx故事-我的创作世界-富士电影(GFX stories with HASEO -World of my Creation- FUJIFILM) 资源编号 :40284998 格式:mp4 文件体积 :92m 时长:04分 58秒 分辨率 :1280×720 视频截图 00分 29秒 视频截图 00分 59秒 视频截图 01分 29秒
In this application, this library will be used for the design of a sewerage network by using a genetic algorithm based on successive iterations. Keywords: SWMM Toolkit; sewer system; design; optimization 1. Introduction The Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM) is a hydrologic and hydraulic ...