A movie like “Kingdom of Storms,” the first film in the “Creation of the Gods” trilogy, has an unenviable task of capturing the audiences imagination while also creating a dense, breathtaking visual world. Adapted from the novel, Investiture of the Gods, from the 16th Century by Xu Zho...
"Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms" still prepared many surprises for the audience. For example, we can see the presence of many Chinese national treasure-level cultural relics in the props.
)? These are questions that Chinese creation myths(创世神话)center around Although the characters in th are different, the main ide a is very similar: how humans or gods brought order and created a culture in nature wh creation myths,people in old times found a way to make sense of the ...
Observer on the Peak - Sun Jing New Ink Works Solo Show (solo)09.11 - 11.01FQ Projects Specializes (Shanghai) (Shanghai, China) (1)(11) Reboot Virtuality - New Media Group Exhibition (group)09.11 - 10.30Leo Gallery (Shanghai, China) (23) Fan Ho - On the Stage of Life (solo)09.10...
Back in the mid-90s, I got a job working for America Online and JACK KARMA was my screen name. I kept it as a sort of alias and, after finding some early success at creative writing, I decided to create a superhero movie screenplay using the name. He needed other heroes to join ...
Idolatry―worship of the Emperor and of pagan gods―was part of the fabric of the Roman world. It was all around you. And the cities were awash with sexual immorality. But in the midst of this idolatrous and immoral world, God had His people. A visitor to these cities would have seen...
Her new book Bright Light was written with John Nelson, author of Starborn, Transformations, Matrix of the Gods, and The Magic Mirror, the 2008 COVR winner for the best New Age book of the year. It is already receiving rave reviews, just as Wallace has received throughout her acting ...
Nora comes to a halt. She turns her head facing the doorway to her history room. She takes a deep breath and before she can place her hand on the button that opens the door, it slides open. The school bell rings. A sea of STUDENTS exit out of the room weaving their way around Nor...
But the pseudo-Jesus, the son of Ra, is not the only idiot. There are a lot of people who live their lives like they’re convincedtheyare God. There are a lot of people who think their loved ones, their possessions, or their careers are gods; but they’re not. ...
The martial arts action hero is producing, directing and starring the film, which is an adaptation of the classic wuxia novel 'Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.