so respective freight units have been created and assigned to the sales orders. In SAP TM you will then do the transportation planning of the freight units. When this is done, you now want to create outbound delivery documents for your follow-...
Solved: Hello Everyone, I am creating delivery with respect to sales order no. using BAPI_DELIVERYPROCESSING_EXEC,WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE. I would like to know, what are the
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, ABAP Extensibility Hi, Check FM: RV_DELIVERY_CREATE---outbound 'BBP_INB_DELIVERY_CREATE'---inbound Edited by: Amresh kumar Panda on Mar 31, 2009 7:42 PM Reply Go to solution Former Member In response to Former Member Options Mark as New Book...
In SAP system, the outbound delivery of STO (stock transfer order) can be automatically created. Of course, this function is rarely used. In SAP project practice, after creating the STO document, the business personnel often manually execute the transaction code vl10b to create an outbound delive...
Delivery not getting created after the creation of order! Go to solution Former Member on 2013 May 15 0 Kudos 12,408 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution), SD Sales Hi All, I am facing a critical problem which is related to the Del...
SAP system:S4HANA 1909 Part II:core configuration point STO related basic configuration (IMG->MM->Purchasing->PO->Setup STO). 1.1, Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance 1.2, Configure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant ...
Dear Experts, I am new to SAP TM and we are facing issue with delivery creation/delivery proposal from SAP TM. We are on SAP TM 9.0 Release 110 SP0007. We are able to
Check details of those implementations for BADI named 'LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC' through SE18. In the End It's not a good way to learn incomplete procedures like this. Read SAP helps and articles likethiswill help to understand the whole process. Such debugging journey just needs once, in case...
Heads-up:This function is only possible for the items with confirmation control as “Inbound Delivery”. Step1. Create an Inbound Delivery from Purchase order At the time of PO creation, we must manually select the confirmation control as Inbound Delivery under confi...
Solved: Hi All, I am trying to find out a way to create inbound delivery technically through a custom program.Can anybody suggest me is there any FM/BAPI or any other