Did serum creatinine test. The result was 1.24 which was in the normal range according to the reports. Also did an ultrasound abdomen and it was normal. Now it's ramzan( 12 hrs of fasting in a day). So my question is can I drink 3-4 litres of aft...
Serum urea, creatinine in relation to fasting plasma glucose levels in type 2 diabetic patients. Int. J. Pharm. Biol. Sci., 1(3): 279-283.Deepa, K.;Manjunathagoud, B.K.; Devi, O. S.; Devaki, R.N.; Bhavna, N.;Prabhu, A. and Anwar, N. Serum Urea, Creatinine in Relation to...
Whereas black bears only show reduced U/C values during their overwinter fast, however, some polar bears had low serum U/C values in all seasons, suggesting that those bears were in a nutritional state similar to that of a fasting and winter dormant bear. We suggest that when food is ...
Plasma creatinine is routinely used to screen for kidney disease and a rational approach to the clinical use of this diagnostic test is important. A clinician or researcher will commonly consider the laboratory's upper reference interval as the cut-off value to distinguish normal from abnormal. The...
A cross-sectional study to show whether and how serum fasting homocysteine levels are associated with renal function changes in patients with hypertension. Homocysteine levels were associated with serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels with coefficients of 2.04 and 0.07, respectively, onl...
Blood samples for the standard and specialized tests were nonfasting and taken by a single venipuncture at study entry. Total serum cobalamin (B12), red blood cell (RBC) folates, and serum creatinine were determined using standard procedures by the Kingston General Hospital Laboratory (Kingston, ...
Derocher AE, Nelson RA, Stirling I, Ramsay MA (1990) Effects of fasting and feeding on serum urea and serum creatinine levels in polar bears . Mar Mammal Sci 6 : 196–203A. E. Derocher, R. A. Nelson, I. Stirling, M. A. Ramsay, Effects of fasting and feeding on serum urea and...
Seasonal changes in the ratio of serum urea to creatininein feeding and fasting polar bearsvacated winter den where she was with a dead cub. This female had the highest serum concentration of urea (294 mg/dL) and creatinine ( 12.2 mg/dL) of any bear sampled. She also had the highest ...
Seasonal changes in the ratio of serum urea to creatinine in feeding and fasting polar bears . Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 298 – 302 .Ramsay MA, Nelson RA & Stirling I (1991) Seasonal changes in the ratio of serum urea to creatinine in feeding and fasting polar bears. Can J Zool ...
Objective To assess fasting blood glucose, serum electrolyte, albumin, creatinine, urea, and lipid profile among hypertensive patients and non-hypertensive participants at wolaita sodo teaching and referral hospital. Methods A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2019 to February ...