Serum creatinine levels in older adults: relationship with health status and medications. Age Ageing 1995; 24 142-150Salive ME, Jone CA, Guralnik JM, Agodoa LY, Pahor M, Wallace RB: Serum creatinine levels in older adults: Rela- tionship with health status and medications. Age Ageing 24:...
0.20 (0.10–0.40), P<0.001), and serum creatinine levels (2.00 (1.40–3.00) vs. 0.90 (0.70–1.20) mg/dl, P<0.001) (Table 4). In the validation set, according to the optimal threshold of Log (sCAR) _ Log (LAR) score (3.295), we divided Log (sCAR) _ Log (LAR) score into ...
Serum creatinine values in Japanese children with DS are higher than those of children from the general Japanese population.What is New:? Creatinine values in French children with DS are higher than those of children from the general French population.? The proposed original chart for creatinine ...
David A. Bateman1, William Thomas2, Elvira Parravicini1, Elena Polesana1, Chiara Locatelli3 and John M. Lorenz1 Background: Serum creatinine (s[Cr]) reference ranges for very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants must account for physi- ologic changes in the first months of ...
PCRPaperless Chart Recorder(data logger; various companies) PCRProgram Change Request PCRProject Change Request PCRPrehospital Care Report(medicine/healthcare) PCRParramatta City Raceway(Australia) PCRPort Control Register PCRPastor-Church Relations(various locations) ...
A cross-sectional study to show whether and how serum fasting homocysteine levels are associated with renal function changes in patients with hypertension. Homocysteine levels were associated with serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels with coefficients of 2.04 and 0.07, respectively, onl...
the effect of other confounding factors not included in this study could not be excluded. There were changes in LVEF and serum creatinine values during hospitalization. In this study, the ACEF score was only measured for the first time after admission, therefore, its dynamic changes were not mon...
337 Words 2 Pages Open Document All patients with suspected or known ethylene glycol poisoning, blood tests must be performed to measure creatinine, blood glucose, calcium, serum electrolyte and ethylene glycol levels. Other tests include:
Proteinuria, albuminuria, and serum creatinine level are widely used as surrogate end point measures of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). We evaluated the correlation between antihypertensive drug effects on surrogate renal end points and ESKD. Study Design Systematic review. Setting & Participants Rando...
If a patient has high levels of serum creatinine, it may indicate renal dysfunction [69]. Sodium is a min- eral that serves for the correct functioning of muscles and nerves. The serum sodium test is a routine blood exam that indicates if a patient has normal levels of sodium in the ...