As a developer, when creating a component I want the component folder path field to be pre-set with a Workspace folder path. Normally a component is created in a User Workspace or its child folder, so ideally if user will need to only type this part of path value having the already pre...
In VS Code, tasks can be configured to run scripts and start processes. Many tools that are already present in VS Code can be used to create tasks without having to write a command or new code. For a workspace, tasks are configured from thetasks.jsonfile in the.vscodefolder. The followi...
workspace's `secret_key` and create a Kubernetes Secret for them in the workspace's namespace GitLabAgent ->> K8sAPI: For Kubernetes Secret to be mounted as files, decrypt value each using workspace's `secret_key` and create a Kubernetes Secret for them in the workspace's name...
Use the CMD/CTRL + Shift + P shortcut to open the command palette and type "Cline: Open In New Tab" to open the extension as a tab in your editor. This lets you use Cline side-by-side with your file explorer, and see how he changes your workspace more clearly.Use...
Note that you may not see all the options listed below on your command line, because we make recommendations based on what credentials you have added in the selected workspace. Similar to the last step, you can select one or all of the options listed: Copy - **Adobe Target**: including...
If not, then the current workspace is switched to the new application folder.The Mobile Development Kit Extension supports creating app definitions via the context menu of workspace explorer and the command palette.Command NameDescriptionContext MenuCommand Palette MDK: Ne...
workspace.applyEdit(edit); } } }); // 👍 formatter implemented using API vscode.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider('foo-lang', { provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document: vscode.TextDocument): vscode.TextEdit[] { const firstLine = document.lineAt(0); if (firstLine.text !== '42...
VSCode will change your launch.js file, as something like this:"configurations": [ { "name": ".NET Core Launch (console)", "type": "coreclr", "request": "launch", "preLaunchTask": "build", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/test.dll", "args": [], "cwd"...
The other thing we want to provide theQueryProviderwith is some details of the workspace we want to connect to. We *could* do this manually, butit ismuch easier to get details from the configuration we set up earlier. We can do this with `WorkspaceConfig` ...
Check It InWe want to commit the code to git, but we don’t need to commit all those dependencies. In the root of the project, create a file “.gitignore” and add the following:.gitignore# .gitignore node_modules .vscode *.pem *.log ...