I have two vectors that contain positive integer values but are not consecutive. I would like to create a matrix that uses these values to place a 1 in a location. Example: I have a vector member_i = [1;1;2] and another vector member_j = [2;3;3]. I would like to create a ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Assuming the output matrix is square and N by N, this is what I would do. Assume N=4, and I'd like to set the -1 diag to [1,2,3] N = 4; A = zeros(N,N); A(diag(reshape(1:N*N,N,N),-1)) = [1 2 3]; ...
Should we ban tic/toc? Blogs MATLAB Diagrams plotframe: Plot a 3-D Cartesian coordinate system Vectors コメント コメントを残すには、ここ をクリックして MathWorks アカウントにサインインするか新しい MathWorks アカウントを作成します。 ト...
contour(z,16) colormapdefault% change color map Quiver Plot Thequiverfunction plots 2-D vectors as arrows. x = -2:.2:2; y = -1:.2:1; [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y); zz = xx.*exp(-xx.^2-yy.^2); [px,py] = gradient(zz,.2,.2); quiver(x,y,px,py) xlim([-2.5 2.5])%...
You can also use square brackets to append existing matrices. This way of creating a matrix is calledconcatenation. For example, concatenate two row vectors to make an even longer row vector. A = ones(1,4); B = zeros(1,4); C = [A B] ...
This example shows how to plot complex numbers in MATLAB®. A complex numberzis a number that can be written in the form wherexandyare real numbers, andiis the imaginary unit, which is defined asi2=-1. The numberxis the real part of the complex number, which is denoted byx=Re(z),...
-loop just make pull out as many computations as you can which it looks like you've done already.
4.2 Creating Evenly-Spaced Vectors Task 1 It is common to create vectors containing evenly-spaced numbers, such as the vector below. y = [5 6 7 8] y = 5 6 7 8 TASK Create a row vector named x that contains the values 1, 2, and 3, in...
Using Matlab's path settings makes sense. The ability to pass vectors as arguments in a Matlab function call and return a vector of the same size is great and will be very useful.Would it be correct to assume that these Matlab function calls can be used in variable definitions, ...
GeoGebra offers scientific graphs and data with points, vectors, lines, segments, polygons, and functions. Provides a large number of learning and teaching materials to help its users. It has a built-incomputer algebra system, statistics, and several calculus tools. ...