First create a Trigger function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updateAvailableQuantity() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.quantity > 0 THEN UPDATE products SET quantity_instock = quantity_instock - NEW.quantity WHERE products.barcode = NEW.barcode; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUA...
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[_create_audit_trigger]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_create_audit_trigger] AS' END ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_create_audit_trigger]...
适用于:SQL ServerAzure SQL 数据库azure Synapse Analytics Azure SQL 托管实例 在SMO 中,触发器由Trigger对象表示。 触发的触发器由TextBodyTrigger 对象的属性设置时运行的 Transact-SQL 代码。 使用Trigger对象的其他属性(如Update属性)可以设置触发器的类型。 这是一个布尔属性,指定触发器是否...
A trigger body can include one or more of the following statements: INSERT, searched UPDATE, searched DELETE, fullselect, SET Variable, and SIGNAL SQLSTATE. The trigger can be activated before or after the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to which it refers. Restrictions You cannot use tri...
CREATE TRIGGER `gttbase`.`upd_muser` AFTER UPDATE on `gttbase`.`student_mast` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN insert into moodle.mdl_user ("id","auth","confirmed","policyagreed","deleted","mnethostid","username","password","idnumber","firstname","lastname","email","emailstop","icq","skype"...
Executing this creates a new trigger named trigAddStudents, which is attached to the 'Students' table. Whenever a new record is added to the 'Students' table, SQL Server will automatically execute our trigger. Let's look at the above example in detail: ...
A USE database statement is not allowed in a procedure, function or trigger. A week this year Against a week this time last year in SQL (NOT MDX) A WITH keyword and parenthesis are now required Accent Sensitivity Access Code - DELETE Statement with DISTINCTROW and T-SQL Access Now() vs...
I am learning basic SQL and have gotten stuck with triggers. I have a database with two tables, customer and invoice. The table characteristics follow: CREATETABLEcustomer ( CUST_NUMVARCHAR(8), CUST_LNAMEVARCHAR(25), CUST_FNAMEVARCHAR(25), ...
Database Server:Microsoft SQL Express 2014 When Writing SQL scripts for SQL Server it is supported/encouraged to use ";" character as end of command marker. But when trying to execute script in DBeaver that create procedure, function or triggers and contain ";" error messages are generated....
CREATE TRIGGER Update_Directory AFTER INSERT ON wpin_gm_user_entries UPDATE wpin_gm_user_entries SET download_link = REPLACE(download_link, 'uploads', 'gravity2pdf') ; If I run the update command manually as an sql command it works. If I run it as part of a Trigger it does not....