Views. If you totally ignore what you have influence over, your users might perceive SharePoint assomething IT imposed on us. If you lend a hand as Site Owner, you can change that perception. You can be the one who makes Lists/Libraries a joy to work in, ausefulthing to work in. ...
Relational databases are all about tables. In order to store, organize, or query data; we must first create the tables. In this article, we will use the Data Definition Language (DDL) to learn about the basics of creating tables, choosing data types, add
Custom data classes will create tables of the same name. These appear as "Inv_<custom data class name). For example, if the name of a custom data class is "Camera Details", this then appears as "Inv_Camera_Details", with underscore characters in-between each word. All attributes (column...
When you use TREATAS, you are in effect establishing a virtual relationship between two disconnected tables, so the filter context passed onto de date table will filter the rows relevant to the conext (so 2021 filters 2021 data etc...) You will of course need to use the relevants ...
This chapter includes how-to information about a wide range of tasks pertaining to sources such as relation tables and views, stored procedures, SQL statements, and Java functions.
@@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug or feature? 2 tables referencing each other using foreign it ...
Do not create fixed-width HTML tables in portlets. You have no way to tell how wide a column your portlet will have on a user's page. If your portlet requires more room than given, it might overlap with another portlet in certain browsers. Avoid long, unbroken lines of text. The resul...
With this approach, database objects that operate like tables will be defined similarly with a very descriptive name. The type of object can always be determined by querying the DBMS system catalog or data dictionary. Avoid encoding table names to make them shorter. Encoding table names to make...
The above templates are great for getting information and setting a price before signing a contract between the buyer and the seller. But templates are dead ends after you’ve contracted with the seller. There’s no way to track the item in the project, for example. To do that you need ...
Construction Number (CN) was included as one of the input variables in the analysis. While CN may not exhibit a direct, one-to-one relationship with rutting depth, its inclusion is based on a conceptual rationale deeply rooted in pavement engineering. ...