Advanced Tables Block Reference Counter Breadcrumbs Calendar Changelogs Charts Checklist Copy Code Button (it now supports Obsidian v0.12.17's new code copy button!) Dataview Excalidraw Gallery Kanban Quick Explorer Sliding Panes (Andy’s Mode) Style Settings Templater (for plugin support requests &...
mhoward2 Obsidian | Level 7 Re: Creating multiple tables from a larger dataset Posted 12-06-2019 04:49 PM (5099 views) | In reply to novinosrin This is exactly what I was looking for! Can you give me a quick explanation of how the "&&c&i" works? What the that telling sas?
Malthe Obsidian | Level 7 Go to Solution Creating a new variable for each found entry in hash object Posted 03-01-2021 05:38 PM (1253 views) Hi there! I have a table of patients (one line per patient) for whom i want to find a score in another table of treat...
braverju Obsidian | Level 7 Re: Creating a multiple sheets Excel output with ODS Posted 12-16-2015 03:29 PM (17456 views) | In reply to Reeza I am sorry for not being clear. The macro functions just print a list of different freq tables. Stating simply I would like to ...
braverju Obsidian | Level 7 Re: Creating a multiple sheets Excel output with ODS Posted 12-16-2015 03:29 PM (17582 views) | In reply to Reeza I am sorry for not being clear. The macro functions just print a list of different freq tables. Stating simply I would like...
braverju Obsidian | Level 7 Re: Creating a multiple sheets Excel output with ODS Posted 12-16-2015 03:29 PM (17383 views) | In reply to Reeza I am sorry for not being clear. The macro functions just print a list of different freq tables. Stating simply I would like ...
data example; do i= 0 to 95; put i= +1 "post_comp_timeframe= " i postop_comp_timeframe.; output; end; run; proc freq data=example; tables i; format i postop_comp_timeframe.; run; The proc freq example is to show that the format will create groups for analysis without adding...
data have; input yr_2001 yr_2002 yr_2003 area; cards; 1 1 1 3 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 1 6 0 0 1 4 ; proc transpose data=have out=long ( where=(col1 = 1) ) ; by area notsorted; var yr:; run; proc freq data=long; tables _name_*area; run; Maxims of Maximally Eff...
Every month I must recreate in SAS a table that has close to 5 million records, along with several other tables, some similarly large, some much smaller. I then must replace the same tables on our SQL server. Using the following code currently takes approximately 3 hours for the 5-...
"Tables look fine" is not the same as comparing data to a previous data set where the process worked to verify that the properties of variables are the same. Proc Contents on a working data set and one that creates the error is good place to start. No errors i...