It is recommended to run mongodb bound to loopback/localhost and not expose it to network.Step 3. Edit the config parameters in conf.js to suit your requirementsSee config/conf-default.js comments for hints.Step 4 (Optional). Add custom templates, schemas, or routesCopy the "default" ...
The pattern is generally that the called a helper function from the /models dir, the code was processed, sent back and a route was rendered with new data.To categorize functions better, a class was created for each main operation in /models such as Recipes, Users, Forms and ...
It is a Javascript based tool to open, import, edit, preview and save JSON documents which conform to a given JSON-Schema. It is a modern scalable issue tracker similar to JIRA or bugtrack but using JSON-Schemas as data models and a NoSQL database as a backend. Along with customizable...