krash1991 Jun 29, 2014 Corel: DRAW Replies 0 Views 154 Jun 29, 2014 krash1991 Locked Question In which kind program was made this "B" logo??? MBrobo Jan 6, 2010 Corel: DRAW Replies 1 Views 116 Jan 18, 2010 ERIXWORX Locked Question How to create "broken...
I would suggest starting with the background, just splash some color stokes all together in a common area, then mask off a random shape. Make sure all of your objects are on one layer, and if you end up with multiple objects, combine them with the background so you see how the mask ...
When I create images for the web using COREL Photopaint, the text goes all fuzzy when I export the image to a gif or jpeg. The fuzzy outline looks really unprofressional. Is there a way to crispen up the text images, so that it can be more clear? JulesSort...