I have a shield-shaped logo into which i want to incorporate a sort of texture fill. The thing is that i managed drawing, using a tutorial, a very nice looking 3d sphere. Well it isn't really 3d because it's just a play on the colors. Anyways, as you imagine the shield and the ...
In which kind program was made this "B" logo??? MBrobo Jan 6, 2010 Corel: DRAW Replies 1 Views 116 Jan 18, 2010 ERIXWORX Locked Question How to create "broken splatter affect" Corel X4 rob753 Sep 25, 2009 Corel: DRAW Replies 1 Views 87 Oct 8, 2009...
9.Corel Draw Corel draw is one of the most effective applications for vector drawing as it offers new technology, including 3D and mobile applications. It helps designers in creating professional design and artworks, especially the stunning logo design. It is an excellent editing and light drawing...
julesinbath Programmer Aug 27, 2003 6 GB When I create images for the web using COREL Photopaint, the text goes all fuzzy when I export the image to a gif or jpeg. The fuzzy outline looks really unprofressional. Is there a way to crispen up the text images, so that it can be...