Oriana García explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system. Ever since I started practicing user interface design, I’ve always believed that animations are ...
While everyone was talking about becoming more agile, the leadership team at PepsiCo CASA jumped right in, taking both a bottom-up and a top-down approach. Get the best ideas in business Sign up for the strategy+business newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox twice a week....
The SUIS-GB Music team is grateful for the opportunity to have attended the Music Category II IB workshop in Hong Kong from February 17 to 19th, hosted by the Renaissance College. Although it took up a weekend in the ...
In this chapter we propose a way to create theories of teaching that are useful for teachers as well as researchers. Key to our proposal is a new model of teaching that treats sustained learning opportunities (SLOs) as a mediating construct that lies between teaching, on the one hand, and ...
While group intelligence for solving problems may not always transcend the limits of the single members, one thing is clear: high expertise in the absence of collaborative planning decreases team performance [20]. Two goals of AG2PI are to strengthen the ties between and among crop and ...
Vision is the starting point in implementing the seven guiding principles for the design of market-savvy S&OP. The first two principles are described in Chapters 1 and 2: “market in” and “segment level.” Vision is a comprehensive understanding of the market segments in the business and the...
In our Guiding Principles for Promoting and Managing Diversity, we've formulated at the highest level clear guidelines that are binding for our Company worldwide. One indicator of diversity is the proportion of manage ment positions held by women. In fiscal 2011, this figure climbed to 14.6...
Existing urban planning software is either proprietary or hard to use. A/B Street strives to be highly accessible, by being a fun, engaging game. Seeherefor more guiding principles. Credits Core team: Dustin Carlino (dabreegster@gmail.com) ...
One of the leadership responsibilities of the board of directors is to establish a statement of values and to ensure that these guiding principles become a basis for action throughout the organization. Where companies do not have a statement of values, or where the values are not accepted, ...
A key element of my work was the automation of frontend development and testing processes using tools such as GruntJS, GulpJS, Bower, and Webpack. This significantly increased the team's efficiency and ensured a high level of stability and reliability in the overall codebase of projects. ...