If you have access to the souce of the data and you can build the dimension tables there, then it would be a better option. like if the data is coming from a sql server, what you could do is build the dimension tables in sql as views and import them to power BI as sep...
One good practice is to have a common date table, that you create relationships to and then use as the dimension in visuals: https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/how-to-create-date-tables-in-power-bi-tutorial I modified your model by adding a date table (although only w...
First the model for the example: Two fact tables (Actuals1 & Target2) and three dimension tables (Calendar Table, Dim Item and Dim Channel) Step 1: Creating the custom layout for the columns of the matrix The key to this solution is to create a “custom” column layout to use ...
Create relationships in Power BI Desktop when the data has duplicate valuesOften, when you load detailed data sets from multiple sources, duplicate data values prevent you from creating relationships. You can overcome this by creating a dimension table with the unique values from both data sets....
Introduction to Power BI Calendar Table Image Source A date column can be found in almost every data source or database. How to construct a link between dates in multiple tables is a typical difficulty faced by many beginners. Adding a “Calendar Table” or “Date Dimension” to your Power...
(ETL - Extraction, Transformation and Loading) and workflow solutions. The extensibility part of SSIS comes from the fact that, the developers have ability to create custom components if the in-built components of it do not suffice the specific need. The platform makes it very simple to embed...
strange that the total cost column is in the LocationCoordinates table which is a dimension table! Are you sure about that? If so then how the ResolvedDate (which is in the JIRA fact table) is related to the total cost? The location is primary key (unique) in the Locations...
C# Two-dimension Array and DataGridView C# Type Conversion error from SqlDatatype.BIT to Boolean in C# c# update all values in a integer list using linq C# user control not displaying in panel C# Using a Shell from a Windows Application C# using app.config referencing a file location C# us...
known as Delta Lake. Azure Databricks supports creating tables in a variety of formats mentioned above including delta. While Databricks supports many platforms, to consume the tables created on this platform with external Azure services, many of them require the table format to be of delta format...
Each of the tables in the schema has a Primary Key constraint and the fact table has Foreign Key constraints that reference each of the Dimension Tables. Each of the Primary Keys are implemented by creating a Clustered Index which means that each table is automatical...