Below is an example of what I mean by a dependent drop-down list in Excel: You can see that the options in Drop Down 2 depend on the selection made in Drop Down 1. If I select ‘Fruits’ in Drop Down 1, I am shown the fruit names, but if I select Vegetables in Drop Down 1,...
Google Sheets script to Excel VBA, dependent drop down lists. By Lucko4Life in forum Excel Programming / VBA / Macros Replies: 0 Last Post: 07-04-2019, 12:50 AM [SOLVED] dependent drop down lists on multiple lines (google sheets) By chrisk67 in forum For Other Platforms(Mac, Googl...
Hi, could you advice me with drop-down list. I have created drop-down list in excel. The first level list contains 31 items. The second level list contants 1-20 items for each item from first leve... Katarina_Molnarova It sounds like you are trying to create a dependent (or cascading...
In Criteria >> select Drop-down(from a range) Select data range: P3:P4 (It’s the list where we applied the FILTER and UNIQUE formula). Click Done. You will get a dependent drop-down list. Based on the Date drop-down you will get the department list. After creating the drop-down ...
Sadly, on what may be your first venture into LET/LAMBDA you have run into the major shortcoming in specifying the functionality of modern Excel. The SCAN function accumulates the price discounts for a single product elegantly and efficiently. Not unreasonably, you then wish to pe...
Learn how to create a Drop Down Filter in Excel. When you select an item from the drop down, it extracts the data based on the selection
If you Excel provides variations of Bar and Column charts. Here’s a quick summary of each: Grouped: A chart that displays a group of dependent variables side-by-side for each category. Stacked: A chart that shows the dependent variables stacked on top of each other. This chart is also ...
But seeing as it was for the better half, I fired up Excel and worked it out. (This must be worth at least a cup of Tea!) Solution Step 1 – Create the source Data 1. Select the sheet that you want to populate the drop down list from, or create a new one and call it somethi...
The default settings in the Create Portal Resource dialog are generally sufficient; however, you must enter a unique value in the View ID field. The Display Name is the name that appears in the display template drop down menu at runtime. The View ID parameter is intended to be human-readab...
Array Dropdown set to a variable Array to string and spaces Array to string using newlines possible? Asset Inventory - Assistance with Powershell Script ASSIGN AN HTML BLOCK TO A VARIABLE Assigning a timeout to invoke-command Assigning Multiple Values to One Variable Assigning permissions to folder...