These dummies were praising the jab for the Vets. I called them on it. They have changed their songs and suddenly I am on their email lists. Too late. They have to go. My company has ordered us to wear the muzzle again. It makes me sick. I have pharyngitis for the forth time ...
Thomas R. Ittelson’s master work for entrepreneurs, non-financial managers, business students, lawyers, lenders, and investors―the bestselling book of its kind, with over 200,000 copies in print―has gotten even better with this 20th anniversary edition. ... For Dummies Go from eBay beginner to eBay pro in no time!Whether you aim to browse, buy, sell, or open up your own eBay shop, this third edition of Britain's bestselling guide to eBay gets you up and running with everything you need to know. Fully u... Collier,M/ ...
The control variables include management resources (social network, family motivation, and operational capability) (for details, see Supplemental S1), the farmland area, the farmer’s age, a sampling region dummy, and farm-type dummies. Figure 1. The analytical process of this study. The ...