You can create two types of arrays in Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) — fixed-size arrays and dynamic arrays. A fixed-size array has a fixed number of elements, and is useful only when you know exactly how many elements your array will have while you're writing the...
Creating a worksheet array in VBA to export as PDF Creating array criteria for AutoFilter in Excel VBA Creating Excel Formula - IF date is between 1st and 14th of month THEN 1 Custom Screentips/tooltip on a pivot table customize pivot table using powershell Date filters "This Week", start...
Returning an Array from a Function Passing an Array to a Procedure Sorting Arrays Using the Filter Function to Search String Arrays Using a Binary Search Function to Search Numeric Arrays Searching a Dictionary Tips for Defining Procedures in VBA ...
You can't build an array as a string. Try this version: prettyprint Sub FilterSelectedCell() Dim a() As String, iCell As Range, n As Long ' FilterSelectedCell ' Create Filter based upon currently selected cell(s) ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Z ' For Each iCell In Selection If...
Value arr = Split(str, "||") ' loop through each element in the array For i = 0 To UBound(arr) unique = Split(arr(i), "=")(0) ' check if the unique string already exists in the uniqueArr For j = 0 To UBound(uniqueArr) If unique = uniqueArr(j) Then Exit For...
Array ofBindHostobjects Domain name associated with the certificate Table 6BindHost Parameter Type Description id String Domain ID hostname String Protected domain name waf_type String Domain name mode: cloud (cloud mode)/premium (dedicated mode) ...
.CommandText=Array("SELECT * FROM varName") .RowNumbers=False .FillAdjacentFormulas=False .PreserveFormatting=True.RefreshOnFileOpen=False.BackgroundQuery=True .RefreshStyle=xlInsertDeleteCells .SavePassword=False .SaveData=True .AdjustColumnWidth=True ...
Wks.LabelVisible(Origin.LABELTYPEVALS.LT_UNIT) =True' Set data array s1 and s2Forii = 0ToNUMPTS-1 s1(ii) = ii * 0.1 s2(ii) = ii / 13.4Next'Create a single column data range in the workSheetorgWks.Columns(0).SetData (s1)' col (1)orgWks.Columns(1).SetData (s2)' col (2)...
‘IsInArray = Not IsError(Application.Match(stringToBeFound, arr, 0)) If (IsError(Application.Match(reqUnit, Units, 0))) Then CALCULATEUNIT = 0 Debug.Print “#VALUE error: requested Unit is not available in a calculation method.”
Function procedures, on the other hand, usually return a single value (or an array), just like Excel worksheet functions and VBA built-in functions. As with built-in functions, your Function procedures can use arguments. Function procedures are quite versatile and can be used in two situations...