JavaFX (and Java) are a perfect fit in this type of scenario as JavaFX really shines in the Desktop world. HERO is currently running on Windows, which will probably be the majority of users for your desktop applications. But we can easily, with a few tweaks, support Mac as well and eve...
Java Undertow documentation In this article we have created simple web applications with embedded Untertow server. Author My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written ...
2011. OSGi in Action: Creating Modular Applications in Java. Manning Publications, Stamford, CT.Hall R. S., Pauls K., McCulloch S., Savage D.: OSGi in Action - Creating Modular Applications in Java. Manning, 2011.Hall, R. S., Pauls, K., McCulloch, S., and Savage, D. OSGi in ...
You can create and manage business applications by using Java API. You can also load grouping patterns into the TADDM database by using the bulk load program.
This API is used to create an application.For details, see Calling APIs.POST /v1/applicationsStatus code: 200This API is used to create an application.Status code: 200OK:
Right-click theLoginproject node in the Projects window, chooseRun, and then click the Sign in button.Figure 4-4shows the results. If you run into problems, then take a look at the code in theLogin.javafile that is included in the downloadableLogin.zipfile. ...
On theApplicationspage, clickCreate application. In theCreate applicationpanel, enter a name for the application and an optional description that can help you search for it. UnderResource configuration, provide the following values. To help calculate the number of resources that you need, seeSizing...
ChooseCreate Applicationfor the project subnodeApplicationsin theWeb Dynpro Explorerview (context menu), and make the required entries. If you want to implement an authorization check for the WD application, select theAuthenticationcheckbox.The Java Engine of theSAP NetWeaverApplication Server will then...
TheJava SE 6platform provides a new API that helps you find, load, and use service providers. Thejava.util.ServiceLoaderclass has been quietly performing its job in the Java platform since the 1.3 version, but it has become a public API in Java SE 6. ...
The CICS Explorer® help provides full details on how you can perform each of the following steps to develop and deploy applications. Procedure Set up a target platform for your Java™ development. For detailed instructions, see the relevant step in Creating the JCICS examples or Creating ...