Object-oriented programming provides an easy way to keep related functions grouped together. Afterlearning object-oriented programming, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool thatincreases portability, readability, and usability of scripts.Our app is pretty simple, so we’ll only need two classes. The...
To mark an item as done, the user needs to be able to save a flag in the database that will indicate the item’s “done” status.The PHPThe toggleListItemDone() method retrieves the item’s ID and “done” status from the $_POST superglobal and uses them to update the item in ...
The most important part of this app is creating and managing your list. We decided from the get-go that this was going to be an AJAX-y app. We didn’t chose AJAX because it’s a popular buzzword, we chose it because we know it’s the best path toward making a responsive, easy to...
Today we begin Part 1 of an 8-Part series on building a web application from absolute scratch to a complete product. I am going to kick things off by introducing the idea, and then I will be handling the design, UI, and general front-end stuff. We are going to be going back and f...
This is a great training for anyone who will be a Kintone App Builder because we’ll go through building an app and a few features to set up to prepare it for use. This will give you a good base as you start to build and navigate Kintone Apps for your team. During the session, we...
Step 1: Generate and Validate an App Idea If you are really interested in how to create an app from scratch, you need to have a foundation – an idea that is new, feasible, and focuses on solving a certain problem. It’s not that creating apps is difficult, and it just requires an...
Using a builder for app development is cost-effective as the cost is lower than building an app from scratch. The app templates you use to create an app have already been developed and you essentially just pay a fee to use them.
When you use Visual Studio to create an MSBuild project file, the appropriate XML is added to the file automatically. However, you may find it helpful to understand how the XML is organized and how you can change it to control a build.For information about creating a project file for a ...
Welcome to your new app. Now run your project and you will see new Bootstrap implemented design of the index page which is shown by the below given image: Creating an Advanced Feature in Blazor Now let us create a feature that will work as shown by the below video: In this feature...
When you use Visual Studio to create an MSBuild project file, the appropriate XML is added to the file automatically. However, you may find it helpful to understand how the XML is organized and how you can change it to control a build. This walkthrough shows how to create a basic ...