Today, as a result of both the evolution of technology and a change in behavior caused by the pandemic, online presentations, meetings and webinars have become increasingly common. Naturally, we should aim to make content that is understandable and accessible to our audience, so that...
PowerPoint presentations don’t have a great reputation. You’ve probably sat through presentations that raised more questions than they answered and did more to confuse the audience than convince them. And there’s a simple reason for this: making great presentations isn’t easy. PowerPoint ca...
SLOBODA, Brian. Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations. Management Quartely. v. 44, n. 1, p. 20-34, 2003.Sloboda, Brian. "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations." Management Quarterly 1.44 (2003): 20- 34....
Use Adobe Acrobat to tag a PDF. Tagging a PDF file makes significant improvements to the accessibility of the document, providing a mechanism to indicate the reading order and improve navigation, add alternate text for graphics, and enable content reflow
Accessible Presentations For MS PowerPoint 2013 Presented by: Valerie East. Making your teaching inclusive Improving Disabled Student Learning Experiences presented to Widening Participation to University Study Through Flexible. Overview of Statewide AT Program Quality Services & Indicators. ...
Chapter 1 Understanding Graphic Concepts Launching PowerPoint – To Launch PowerPoint from the Start Button – To Launch PowerPoint from the Desktop Screen Layout The ‘Getting Started’ Task Pane – To Create a New Presentation Changing the Page Setup ...
Making Use of Templates to Create Presentations PowerPoint 2013 offers thousands of predesigned presentations that you can use. These are called templates. To access the templates, go to the Backstage View and click Open on the left. Now, enter in the type of template you want in the search ...
With the Aspose.Slides for .NET intuitive class library, working with PowerPoint presentations is a breeze. To create a new presentation, simply create an instance of the Presentation class; to open an existing presentation, just pass the file name to the Presentation class's constructor. The ...
PowerPoint was both easy to learn (or relearn) and to use. The toolbar tools are easily accessible, clearly labeled, and relatively foolproof. Some of the shortcut icons seemed less intuitive than others -- I never would have "guessed," for example, that the star icon indicated the animati...
With the Aspose.Slides for .NET intuitive class library, working with PowerPoint presentations is a breeze. To create a new presentation, simply create an instance of the Presentation class; to open an existing presentation, just pass the file name to the Presentation class's cons...