Across the top of the Work Area from the left are controls to Edit, Create a New Version, Validate, Execute the workflow in the Workflow Designer, and Export as Image (export the workflow diagram as a graphic image file). On ...
3. Visualize and create workflow Now that your workflow is starting to take shape, it’s important to zoom out and visualize the overall shape of the workflow. You can use a tool like Microsoft Visio to create a workflow diagram or use a simple workflow management tool to drag and drop...
You can create a flow diagram from any stream or repository workspace. After you create a flow diagram, you can use it to explore and visualize the relationship of repository workspaces and streams. You can also create new flows or create or delete repos
actions, tasks, and activities that flow from its start to end, and that need to be taken during the decision-making process. These workflow steps or activities are represented by rectangles in a Workflow diagram and the building blocks of a business process...
workflow process creation screen and editing the configuration of the displayed script activities; a workflow diagram creation step configured to create a workflow diagram by arranging the script activity displayed on the activity configuration screen unit on the script activity diagram generation screen ...
Creating diagrams from textual data may sound unusual or even impossible at first. However, most data have inherent relationships that connect separate entries. Typical examples are transactions between persons in an economic context, a team hierarchy in an employee list, a workflow in a manufacturing...
A workflow diagram appears. The diagram shows several blocks, each representing a task or action. Most actions are arranged vertically, with the actions at the top running before the ones below. Actions that are arranged side by side run in parallel. Actions that are grouped together must all...
Someone could view the diagram and then decide if they want to read more for additional information. Diagrams can also be used for system-level decision making by seeing an entire process at once or micro-level understanding of specific steps in a workflow. Diagrams are content, ...
<div p-id="p-0001">A method for creating a workflow including at least one structured process with interdependent tasks, and a composite object involved in the process is provided. The method includes
For more information, seeOverview of Workflow Process Steps, andDiagramming a Workflow Process. Click the canvas, making sure no workflow process step or connector is chosen. Add seven new process properties using values from the following table. ...