Creating a custom GPT model using ChatGPT offers a wealth of opportunities for enhancing business operations, from improving customer interactions and automating tasks to driving personalized experiences and data-driven decision-making. Although the process demands meticulous planning, data preparation, and...
ChatGPT AGI(官网),Creating safe AGI that benefits all of humanity。 创造安全的人工智能(AGI),造福全人类 ChatGPT AGI是什么? Creating safe AGI that benefits all of humanity。创造安全的人工智能(AGI),造福全人类ChatGPT AGI是一个热门的 AI应用 网站&程序、归属于无峰导航中的 AI 导航。目前已经有(...
首先需要明确的是,这段文字并没有直接与“chatgpt”相关联的具体问题或错误信息。然而,从字面上看,“Finish creating your OpenAI account”(完成创建您的OpenAI帐户)和下面的红色提示“Tell us about you”(告诉我们关于你),这些通常是在注册或登录到某个平台时出现的引导性文字或步骤指示。因此,下面的一些可能...
Let’s start with creating a data model using chatGPT. The goal is to ask chatGPT to start with the data modeling activities for the anti-money laundering(AML) system of a banking domain: Image 1: The data model for the banking system, Part 1 ...
In this post, you will learn about another example of using an intermediate language, namely, VBA for PowerPoint. Specifically, you will learn: How to make ChatGPT to generate a slide deck outline How to convert a slide deck outline into an actual PowerPoint file Get started and apply Chat...
ChatGPT Recipe Studiois for creating and managing ChatGPT "recipes" - preset text processing patterns for rephrasing, summarizing, replying, and email creation. Built with Python & PyQt6, it offers a clean interface to save and reuse your most effective GPT prompts.Length: 214 charactersAbout...
Creating a ChatGPT API client First, let’s create a C# class to interact with the ChatGPT API. We’ll call itChatGPTClient. Here’s the basic structure: usingSystem;usingRestSharp;usingNewtonsoft.Json;publicclassChatGPTClient{privatereadonlystring_apiKey;privatereadonlyRestClient_client;// Con...
Language Learning: ChatGPT can assist in language learning by providing translations, practice conversations, and grammar explanations. Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Personalized Learning Improved Student Engagement: Personalized learning experiences are more likely to capture student interest and motivation. ...
ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM), meaning it generates text on a wide range of topics using extensive amounts of data. "LLMs are good for general tasks, but they aren't the best tools for getting useful information for specialized fields," said the study's lead author, Mohamed ...
Use of ChatGPT in Creating Awareness about Ischemic StrokeHYPERTENSIONISCHEMIC strokeCOGNITIONARTIFICIAL intelligenceSTROKE patientsTECHNOLOGYMEDICAL researchdoi:10.4103/ijcm.ijcm_381_23Vora, Neera N.Doshi, Preyansh K.Indian Journal of Community Medicine...