AWS 文档 Amazon CloudFront 开发人员指南 PDF RSS 聚焦模式 此页内容对您是否有帮助? Amazon CloudFront 是一项加快将静态和动态 Web 内容(例如 .html、.css、.js 和图像文件)分发给用户的速度的 Web 服务。CloudFront 通过全球数据中心(称作边缘站点)网络传输内容。当用户请求您用 CloudFront 提供的内容时,请求被...
AWS CloudFormation テンプレートを使用して AWS X-Ray のリソースを作成する方法について説明します。
Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and then open the AWS CloudFormation console. Choose Create Stack. Under Choose a template, click Choose file, select sql-hello.yaml, and then choose Next. For stack name, type SQLRule, and then choose Next. On the Options page, leave the fields at...
Amazon Lightsail 已與 AWS CloudFormation 整合,這項服務可協助您建立 資源的模型和設定,以減少建立和管理資源和基礎設施的時間。您可以建立一個範本,描述所有您想要的 資源 (例如 instances and disks),AWS CloudFormation 就會為您佈建和設定那些資源。
Create your code locally in the AWS CloudFormation tool or upload a YAML or JSON file into the S3 bucket You can now either use the GUI of AWS CF or the Command Line Interface to create a stack based on your template code Finally, CloudFormation will deploy resources, provision it and con...
1. In a terminal, navigate to the root directory of the repository. 2. Run the following command to build and package the project for deployment: sam build 3. Deploy the SAM template to your account. The wizard will guide you through the process of deplo...
I created a launch template, ubuntu-template. I am able to use this template launch EC2 instances into an EKS cluster via AWS console. However, I got "explicitDeny" when use this lanuch template with AWSNodeTemplate. Below are the code and errors. ...
1.9.9. 在 AWS 中创建网络和负载均衡组件 | Red Hat Documentation
Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation Properties: SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet1 RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable Public: Private: Lastly, the CloudFormation template has a section forOutputswhich returns information about the created resources: ...
2.10.9. 在 AWS 中创建网络和负载均衡组件 | Red Hat Documentation