シリアル番号(Serial Numbers)を右クリックし、新しいシリアル番号(New Serial Number)を選択します。 シリアル番号(Serial Number)ダイアログ ボックスにシリアル番号の名前を入力します。 種類(Type)で、文字列(String)を選択します。 フォーマット文字列(Format string)フ...
To create a serial number from a string: Right-click Serial Numbers and select New Serial Number. In the Serial Number dialog box, type the serial number name. For Type, select String. Use the Format string field to build the string: Type text that you want to stay the same in the...
The scenario is to simply open my form, the field named PV# should automatically populate with a unique serial number. So when I open the form for the first time today, the read-only field named PV# should show the number 1, when I open the document next time to generate a new ...
A product is a device model, which is a set of service attributes of devices of the same type. Each device belongs to a product and inherits all service attributes of the
Subdomain name allocated by the APIG system by default (APIG trigger parameter). Minimum:1 Maximum:255 backend_type String Backend type of the API (APIG trigger parameter). Enumeration values: FUNCTION instance_id String Instance ID. This parameter is mandatory for DDS, Kafka, and RabbitMQ ...
There are two cases of response results, one result is that the business is accepted normally; the other result is system-level exceptance or the request data is incorrect. If the business is accepted normally, merchants need to parse the response code to judge wether the business is successfu...
Despite the importance of sexual life of the aged, it is almost disregarded due to the Confucius value system and bias. The common people`s view on the sex of the aged was clearly demonstrated by their attitude toward a movie entitled "I love it though I might die" which was determined ...
It can also be set to an IP address or a host name. In the HA scenario, change the value to the virtual IP address of the LDAP server. Press Esc, type :wq!, and press Enter to save the settings and exit. Run the following command to load the nslcd process: systemctl restart ...
Let’s create the following attributes. Each has a defined attribute type: Asset tag(Default/Text) will contain the label or tag of the IT asset. Serial number(Default/Text) will contain the serial number. PO number(Default/Text) Invoice number(Default/Text) ...
Devices requiring system resources such as input/output (I/O) ports use a LogConfig entry in the install section to specify which configurations they can use. Some devices don't use resources of their own. Instead, they use another driver, such as the serial port driver, to communicate ...