If you are ever stuck on a tutorial while reading “ROBLOX Building Guide”, this game should come in handy! I do weekly livestreams on Twitch every Saturday at 12 PM Eastern Time! Be sure to not miss the live game...
In gaming environments, such as Roblox, Minecraft, and other massive online worlds, gamers have created alternate representations of themselves and spend much of their time interacting through their “avatars”. Arguably, even some messaging and social media platforms are primitive “Metaverses”. But...
In this tutorial, a different pattern will be used to create a number of health pickups, with only a single copy of the script which determines the health pickup behavior. When the pickup is touched, it will restore the player's health, fade slightly and be disabled for a sho...
Make a bridge that disappears to add challenge to a Roblox game. Combine for loops and while loops in this computer science practice.