23.8.3APEX_ACTIVITY_LOG Sample Query The following example demonstrates how to create a report that displays the total number of page views and the average page view time in the past 24 hours for application 9529, and grouped by userid: ...
Table 17-1describes the columns in theAPEX_ACTIVITY_LOGview. To conserve space in the activity log, only the first log entry of each unique session will contain the IP address and Web browser user agent. The following example demonstrates how to create a report that displays the total number...
For the creation of Catalyst, an out trans character in Apex Legends, Respawn consulted with trans people both within and without the developer. In aninterview with GamesRadar, Apex Legends lead writer Ashley Reed, associate director of gaming at GLADD Blair Durkee, and Catalyst's voice actor Me...
In this tutorial, you create an interactive, analytic report of OLAP data by performing the following five tasks:1. Import and install a predefined APEX Workspace. The workspace includes an APEX developer with access to the olaptrain sample schema. 2. Create an application that will contain the...
When you look at the page in the Application Builder, you will see that APEX created a Reports region. Right-click on the region name of the report and click on Edit to see the details of the report. In the Region source you can see the query you just entered. If you want to see...
This return value will be the actual data which will be stored in the item which is assigned to the list of values. A list item can also be created directly upon a report column or item, but then is not reusable. There's more... Another possibility is to use a previously defined ...
Open Raw log, then "Me" appears in the USER-DEBUG log. Inclined to build a profession as SalesForce Developer? Then here is the blog post on, exploreSalesForce Training Alternation APEX Class Creation: We can also create newApex classesdirectly in the Developer Console. ...
apex class . enter a name for your server-side controller. click ok . enter a method for each server-side action in the body of the class. add the @auraenabled annotation to a method to expose it as a server-side action. additionally, server-side actions must be static methods,...
you must wire up the fields to the salesforce object yourself and use apex to process the user input as shown in the next section. example the aura components basics trailhead module walks you through building a form for creating an expense record. implement a basic form before proceeding,...
There may be other apps that follow MD3 guidelines, AND WELCOME TO REPORT NEW APPS TO ME www. Some tags below might be wrong caused by my negligence, and with the development of application, some applications' interface may have changed a lot and some tags may become wrong. Please report...