匿名化された抽選の作成 サーベイの A/B テスト アポイントメント/イベント登録アンケート チケット 従業員エクスペリエンス アンケートのカスタマイズ デジタルプロジェクト XMソリューション サードパーティプラットフォームとの統合 結果の分析 一般的な API ユースケー...
Your book is a product you aim to sell to customers (readers), and, as with any product, you have to know exactly who is going to want to buy it and why. Some writers think that going broad is the ticket. Makes sense, right? You want to attract a wide readership so you can sell...
I started a new ‘day job’, with the Legalise Cannabis Victoria party. I’m their new Community Campaigns Coordinator. Some of you may know that I’ve done some work with them with my creative hat on, hosting events. When I saw this job come up (and I ...
Création d'un tirage au sort anonymisé Test A/B dans les enquêtes Enquêtes sur les rendez-vous/inscriptions aux événements Tickets Expérience collaborateur Personnaliser votre enquête Projets numériques Solutions XM Intégration à des plateformes tierces Analyse des résultats Cas d'...
http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/81aa78941128 #AddToGoodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26227131-shocking-finds https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30461910-southern-discoveries Read the #Excerpt from Shocking Finds and Chapters 1-2 from Southern Discoveries today http://bit....
Creazione di un raffle anonimizzato Test A/B nei sondaggi Sondaggi per appuntamento/registrazione evento Ticket Employee Experience Personalizzazione del sondaggio Progetti digitali Soluzioni XM Integrazione con piattaforme di terze parti Analisi dei risultati Casi di utilizzo API comuni Progett...