Can someone please help me create a custom function in Power Query that can do regular expression like the ones in this post (Best Response).Basically, I want to be able to extract some information from a log file that appears in a field in my database query and put in...
如果您直接在散佈圖上繪製,則 Power BI 會將所有值彙總成一點。 若要顯示個別資料點,您必須將一個欄位加入欄位清單中的 [詳細資料] 貯體。 在 Power BI Desktop 中這麼做的一個簡單方法,是在 [Power Query 編輯器] 上,使用 [新增資料行] 功能區上的 [新增索引資料行] 選項。
To create a dataflow, launch the Power BI service in a browser then select a workspace (dataflows aren't available in my-workspace in the Power BI service) from the nav pane on the left, as shown in the following screen. You can also create a new workspace in which to create your ...
Thank you for finally explaining the context fully. A lot of my confusion could have been avoided had the original picture been clearer. And, for the record, in my own personal records--as I referred to them--I keep the full history. I don't think you need Power Query in your ...
We will create a function that takes a date value as input parameter (InDate) and returns a date as text with the appropriate format using the expression from step 3.5. Create a new Power Query. Power Query –> From Other Sources –> Blank Query...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
It has one parameter to capture the request and another for relaying information to a log. In the sample, you can see that the function is looking for incoming data that represents a name, and the function is flexible enough to search for it in the query parameters and in the request ...
For example, the initialization parameter file for the mynewdb database is stored in the following location: /u01/oracle/dbs/initmynewdb.ora Windows init.ora ORACLE_BASE\admin\SID\pfile\init.ora The following is the initialization parameter file used to create the mynewdb database on a UNIX...
Sign in to vote Hi, I made an update to an existing FAST Search query scopes. The updates are on the ExtendedSearchFilter parameter. Since the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryScope PowerShell cmdlet...
Qconn.Name <> "Parameter1" And _ Qconn.Name <> "Parameter2" And _ Qconn.Name <> "Source" And _ Qconn.Name <> "Sample File Parameter1" Then 'loop through the entire array Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet ActiveSheet.Name = Qconn Range("H1") = "Data - " & Qconn ' Put a title ...