Using a template will make it easier to put together a marketing strategy for your next event. Get started with event marketing A successful event starts with a great event marketing plan. This will keep your team organized, help you invest your resources wisely, and increase your event attenda...
When creating a marketing strategy, one of the first things to consider is who you’re competing with. And this goes for any industry. Conduct a thorough analysis of where you stand and thenexamine your competitors. What kind of products they’re offering, how they advertise them, what kind...
Creating a Marketing Success Strategy for Your BookAnthony Mora
You need to build your marketing strategy around these three core things. Use the tips in this article, keep up with all the latest trends — and make an excellent video that people want to watch. About the author: Aljaz Fajmut is a digital marketer, internet entrepreneur, and the ...
Lisa Ryan will lead a fun and engaging session entitled,Gratitude Strategies to Create a Company Culture That Rocks. She coined the term grategy, which means to develop a gratitude strategy for the workplace as an important facet of becoming a great leader. Using research, a...
A great marketing strategy needs a solid foundation, and that means getting a full picture of your law firm’s current state. You’ll need to gather data from the past year such as any vendors you’ve used, what they promised to deliver and the results, how much money you allocated, an...
This seven-step guide walks you through the entire process of creating and executing a social media marketing strategy.
Is there still a place for X, formerly known as Twitter, in yourmarketing strategy? The short answer is: yes. The popularity of other social media platforms might make it seem like many people and brands are abandoning the social network in favor of other channels like Instagram, LinkedIn, ...
Now you have the steps to marketing success. GoPro’s marketing strategy can remind you to think big and look outside the box when brainstorming ways to advertise your brand. Consider your target audience, be creative in your promotion, and lean into your brand. You’ve got this!
When many think of marketing, they go to the big flashy examples – like SuperBowl commercials and Spotify’s annual "Wrapped" campaigns. But the truth is, that’s likely the result of months of strategizing. Before you can build your strategy though, you first need a clear goal. What doe...