According to the New York AG’s office, all of these practices are illegal as it “violated multiple state laws against false advertising and engaged in illegal and deceptive business practices.” These companies used sites like Craigslist, and to locate individuals to wr...
+ Active SCOBY (Readhereabout where to find a healthy SCOBY.) Anyone who is making kombucha tea usually has more than enough to share. I got mine from a friend. Ask around, or check for fermenting groups in your area. I have even seen posts about SCOBY sharing on Facebook and Craigsl...
Catalyte recruits its trainees in a variety of ways, including through Craigslist ads, classified ads, job postings and community forums. “The ads help in drawing a large pool of people, many of whom don’t necessarily have a LinkedIn profile,” said Catalyte’s CEO Jacob Hsu. “It’s ...
I’ve also bought many of the larger tools on Craigslist at significant discounts to the prices you see. I always suggest checking your local Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for deals. Affiliate links are used on this page. See my disclosure page for info on affiliate programs....