Chaneski, Wayne S
This opening statement usually includes the business’s name, the products or services it provides, where and how they’re sold, whom they’re sold to and what makes them unique. An elevator pitch for a new ice cream shop may sound something like this: ...
Your business name is likely customers' first impression of your brand. So, choose easy-to-remember words evoking positive associations with your products/services. Wanting a unique name is understandable. But don't choose overly clever or complex phrases that are difficult to recall or spell. Lo...
The event facilitator was very thorough and guided us through the process of creating a Mission, Vision, and Values for our Business and Finance divisions. With his guidance, we were able to accomplish exactly what we set out to do.
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Creating brand identity is a significant part of starting a new business or rebranding an existing one. Here are some tips for creating your own brand.
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Branding is the procedure of exploring, building up, and using a distinguishing trait or a cluster of features that makes your business unique. Customers can start to connect to your business with the characteristics you design. And once you are done creating a brand identity, the values ...
Create a custom image view With the name and location views all set, the next step is to add an image for the landmark. Instead of adding more code in this file, you’ll create a custom view that applies a mask, border, and drop shadow to the image. ...
Last name* Prefix Initials* I'm interested in * Industry Pharmaceutical industry Electronics and high-tech (Petro)chemical industry Heavy and metal industry Garage business Graphic and paper industry Car industry Food Meat processing industry