8.Using the plotly R package to create an interactive scatter plot (CC084) 109 -- 22:18 App 12.Creating a barplot with error bars using ggplot2 (CC088) 117 -- 18:42 App 14.Creating a jitter plot _ stripchart with ggplot2's geom_jitter and stat_summa 152 -- 21:09 App 13.Usin...
The first argument of the barplot() function is either a vector or matrix of values that you want to plot as bars, such as the sales data variables in our previous examples. The labels for the bars are specified by the names.arg argument, but we use this argument only when plotting sin...
The error 'height' must be a vector or a matrix while creating barplot occurs when we provide data frame name instead of column names or read it with as.matrix. If we want to create bar plot for columns in a data frame then the data frame needs to be read as matrix....
submit / R; plotmatrix<-t(temp[c(-1, -5)]) colnames(plotmatrix)<-c("B1", "B2") barplot(plotmatrix, main="Total Performance", xlab="Performance Measure", ylab="Performance", col=c("darkblue", "green", "yellow"), ylim=c(0, 30), legend=rownames(plotmatrix)) dev....