154 配置和切片精灵(154 Configuring And Slicing Our Sprites) 155 创建主菜单(155 Creating Main Menu) 156 创建主菜单按钮(156 Creating Main Menu Buttons) 157 创建设置面板(157 Creating Settings Panel) 158 设置和选择拼图面板动画(158 Settings And Select Puzzle Panel Animations) 159 编程主菜单和设置面板...
077 创建游戏场景(077 Creating Gameplay Scene) - 大小:24m 目录:一节3 - 不再软趴趴的鸟 资源数量:228,Unity3D_Unity 2D,一节3 - 不再软趴趴的鸟/073 为FLAPYY鸟进口资产,一节3 - 不再软趴趴的鸟/074 切片我们的精灵,一节3 - 不再软趴趴的鸟/075 创建动画,一节3 - 不再
Now that we've removed the old Texture2D, there are a number of methods that won't work if we tried to build and run right now. We need to go change them, starting with the Initialize() meth...
2 1/2D is becoming more and more popular these days. Essentially a 2.5D game is a 3D game with 2D assets ( such as 2D sprites over a 3D background ), but more commonly its 3D sprites over a 2D background. How does this work? Well, there are two basic approaches. You model, tex...
You can add other types of components here to change the visuals, including Particle Emitters, Skeletal Meshes, 2d Sprites, and complex hierarchies of Static Meshes.MovementComponent controls your Pawn’s movement. Using MovementComponent is a convenient way of handling player movement. Complex tasks...
First up is our hero, the player's ship. To draw the ship, we borrow an initializedSpriteBatchfrom theScreenManager, and then callBegin. If you're not familiar withSpriteBatch, it's a class that renders textures as on-screen sprites. It does this by creating quads (two-dimensional squar...
This same AI framework then is reused to make the enemy move aggressively toward the player. Then the dots are made edible. At this time, the game is a very rough prototype, but has much of the mechanics expected in the game. The sprites are ugly, there is no score or leveling up ...
006 可点击精灵音乐(006 Clickable Sprites Music) 007 作弊块(007 Cheat Block) 03 分支叙事(03 Branching Narrative) 001 创建@(001 Creating Characters) 002 分支叙事(002 Branching Narrative) 003 创建自定义对话框(003 Create Custom Dialogues) 004 创建自定义菜单(004 Create Custom Menus) 005 完成分支叙...
15 - Updating The Gnome"s Sprites 16 - Designing A Damage Model 17 - Implementing The Damage Model 18 - Implementing The Gnome"s Control Code 19 - Designing The Game Manager 20 - Supporting The Game Manager 21 - Implementing The Game Manager 22 - Handling Events On Touch 23 - Creating ...
18 - Implementing The Gnome's Control Code - 大小:110m 目录:O'Reilly - Creating 2D Games with Unity 资源数量:30,其他_其他,O'Reilly - Creating 2D Games with Unity/01 - Introduction,O'Reilly - Creating 2D Games with Unity/02 - About The Author,O'Reilly -